Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Post # 3

Wanganui to Wellington

km 1402 to km 1733


At the south end of the North Island - 'Wellington'

Early morning on the Wanganui river - the 'Waimarie' paddle wheeler
.........A beautiful start to a glorious day!..........

And a shitty finish!.....pissing rain!....waiting for a ride!
OK again by morning....Santoft forest walk.

Beach by Koitiata..... painful ....wind driven sand!

 A kiwi Christmas tree......
Toss them on the ground and you're a low life...
Hang them on a tree and you're a hero!...go figure!
A road walk to 'Palmerston North'... northern California anyone!
City hiking along the 'Manawatu' river.
Climbing back into the mountains -
first day of four in the outback
And the first night ....so far so good!
Second day of four in the outback......
Second half of the second day of four.......this sucks!
still the second half of the second day....couldn't take it!
...bailed to town for a venison burger and a  motel
Finished the hike along the beach......much better
Back on the trail at the escarpment trail
popularly known as the 'Stairway to heaven'
Only 10 km and 1480 more steps to go!

Nice reward at the end.... thanks to a young Kiwi entrepreneur....
 a $2 lemonade with a couple of Belgian TA hikers.
" Bite me! "
Final descent into Wellington.
The end of this leg in sight!
That's it....can't go any further here......done!




Sunshine with Darrell in 'Bulls'
'Bulls' city.......pun capital of the world
check out the sign!
The beach at 'Otaki' ...cold and wet but ever optimistic......
....life guard station up and running and ready to go!
This is for real...a genuine 'Maori' electric guitar
(well at least it was made by a genuine 'Maori')
Open and all will be revealed!
And so it was!

 Yin and Yang......small and large.....Kayak out.....Tour boat in!
(I assume they have a good reason for doing it this way)
A toast to our commercial kitchen.......they allowed us to use it to make dinner
Us on the 'Stairway to heaven' -
part of the Te araroa trail
Complete with at least 1500 steps!
Highway and rail line below 
Our kind of sign......options!! ...... Which will it be?
.....walk back or take the train back?
Actually a no-brainer......Train it is!
Outside of Wellington.........Waiting for Darrell.....Again!
Downtown Wellington.....Hostel row.....home for two nights
(think of Gas Town, Vancouver)
Kind of institutional inside.....and disappointing
bunk beds....hot rooms...no A/C...no windows....
But as Darrell says " We were put on this earth to suffer!"
Goodbye Wellington .....boarding the 'Interislander'
Next stop........

South Island!

Till the next post!


  1. So is that it for the north island . Love the look of the wood on the Maori guitar

    1. Not quite.....have to do north of Auckland later. Not sure what kind of wood the guitar is made of.

  2. Awesome as usual! Angie

  3. What an adventure you three. Darrell I think the sun is on its way. Isn't it supposed to be summer? Richard

  4. TWO Venison Burgers and only ONE BEER!!!!
    Hmmmmm!!! Is that the Psych guys brother???
    Happy trekking - Larry and Christa
